A Story as Old as Time

Super hot artist loves myopic social butterfly.

We hate to be so cliche’ around here, but our story isn’t anything you haven’t seen in under 30 minutes book-ended by reverse mortgage commercials.

Lisa and Kevin first met in 2005 when he was organizing a music festival and she was the president of Bikini USA - Texas. They immediately hit it off (imagine that?) and became fast friends. They supported each other's adventures, and failures, in life and love for years. Unfortunately they lost contact for a few years as Kevin applied himself to becoming a better Capitalist Pig and Lisa’s Bohemian Spirit blossomed during her art therapy session until one day Kevin received a phone call out of the blue from an unknown number, and like a good salesman sent it to voicemail immediately.

A few minutes earlier Kevin had been physically abusing his niece (See “Playing” in the McAuley Handbook) by throwing her in the air (aiming for the fan) and posting it on social media. When Lisa saw the post and heard his voice all of the memories of a friendship forgotten by time and hidden by the stroke came flooding back at once.

So she called him, like 3 times in a row, and he finally answered. They talked, and talked, and talked. And Kevin’s Mom (because he was at their house torturing his niece and inspecting their pool) said “ooh ohh, who was that” in that type of voice that makes him instantly defensive. But she just liked to see the smile that he couldn’t hide. 

So they rekindled their friendship and supported each other's lives emotionally until one fall day Lisa accused Kevin of being an idiot for not realizing she had been in Love with him for the last decade. To which he agreed because he is an emotionless robot. So they went on a date about 4 months later since neither of them is good at making plans (see: How to Throw a Wedding) and then the world came to a stand still just long enough for these two helpless romantics to fall unimaginably in love.

Now they are getting married on March 19th, 2022 and can’t wait for you to join them!