Housekeeping! And Run DMC

The invitations have been sent and the RSVPs are rolling in. This week has been a whirlwind of activity. Apparently the folks at the hotel that handle booking can’t pronounce “Kevin” properly, so when our wedding attendees were booking rooms they denied them our group rate and did not apply them to our contract. We are sorting that out now, but if you still need a room please book it before February 18th with Group #2454971 and if they ask, it is the Hernandez + McAuley wedding. If you have any problems E-MAIL ME HERE!  

There also seems to be an issue that when some people visit our registry they get an error that they can not contribute to a cash fund because a bank account is not connected. This was a momentary issue as I recently changed banks and should not be happening. If you see it try clearing the cookies for your browser and revisiting the page. If you are having trouble finding our registry it now has its own space on the menu bar, as well as being on the right hand side of the site footer

And, if you are part of the wedding party and need a tuxedo, measurements are due by February 14th, please don't be late.

Of course while solving these, and other problems, I managed to stay completely distracted while doing multiple things at once. Since the invites were so late to show up we had to print out new RSVP information. I even printed a proof before doing the full run, but the printer jammed and I moved on to setting up the larger print job on a different printer, never catching the fact that we set our new RSVP by date as 2 years in the past. Oops.  As I told the friend that pointed it out to me, Lisa knew what she was getting into when she said “I have mustard in my teeth.”

While I was upset at first, I was happy to laugh about it once Lisa insisted that our guests could just use a DeLorean to RSVP. 

We pray you are all staying safe and warm through this winter blast. As we write this Lisa is reopening her store and I am curled up with a blanket or two. 


Covid Concerns and Kiddie Tables