Surf More and Get Better at Jiu-Jitsu

I’ve been writing this blog post in my head for 3 weeks.  It keeps shifting topics, Covid, Christmas, The New Year. Epiphany.  They’ve all come and gone and I’ve not taken the time to actually write.  I took advantage of a work trip to San Antonio to catch up on my podcast backlog, listening to Jocko, Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History, Dan Crenshaw’s We Hold These Truths, Jordan B. Peterson and more. Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti’s political news show “Breaking Points” has become a quick favorite since they left The Hill earlier this year.

A quick recap of How It's Going so far.  We have invitations, however the RSVP by date is in the past. We’ll be getting them out to y'all asap. Second, I am fully recovered from Covid-19 but Lisa is still experiencing loss of taste & smell as well as some lingering malaise.  I’m also amped up to 11 on our budget. It turns out that having to take the ten days before Christmas off to quarantine is a terrible business plan for a small business. Please pray that people in Houston all decide that they really need some local Hemp and CBD products for Chinese New Year. Although Square just recently decided to stop supporting transactions for Lisa’s business because she sells shirts made from hemp fibers. I can not roll my eyes hard enough.

I’m not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I won’t bore anyone with why. I just prefer making incremental changes over time as part of a sustained effort towards a goal. Like saving for retirement, not hitting the jackpot. With that said, my resolution for this year is based on the same principle as the past few years. The resolution that made me go out with Lisa. The resolution that got me to quit smoking, to take up martial arts at the tail end of my 4th decade on this planet, and to start a blog. That principle is to grow up.  So with that said, I am going to surf more and get better at Jiu-Jitsu.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about Covid-22 and the wedding.


Covid Concerns and Kiddie Tables


The 4th Tuesday of Advent