The 4th Tuesday of Advent

Alleluia! Our wedding invitations have arrived. I got the notification a few hours after I tested positive for Covid-19. Perfect timing really. It gives me some time to design an insert about ignoring the past due RSVP date. So far Covid hasn’t been too bad. First I got a steroid injection which took away a lot of the anxiety I was feeling. The doctor felt I was in good shape and diagnosed an oral steroid for the next 5 days. Lisa has still tested negative so I am quarantined alone at my apartment in City Center while she is resting in The Woodlands. The doctor assured me that monoclonal antibodies would be available if I didn't get better, or got worse. I didn't ask for a horse dewormer, perhaps I should have. I was doing pretty well the first 3 days with just the steroid and IV vitamins, but this morning my chest was pretty tight. 

It is probably my own fault, I slacked off on the breathing exercises I had been practicing religiously since I first suspected I was sick last week. So, back to the doctor today, which was a 2 mile hike each way with my truck in a body shop. They were a bit concerned after listening to my breath sounds and ordered chest X-Rays. 

That was a little scary to be honest. I had been diagnosed with pneumonia in the same urgent care office just over 5 years ago and my anxiety sort of kicked back in.  After the x-rays they got me hooked up on an IV for antibodies and regularly monitored my vitals. All went well and the chest x-ray was clear of pneumonia. So I got a 2 mile walk home before dinner time and am resigned to binge-watching Punisher on Netflix. Lisa  and I just have a little data clean up left to do for the invitations and then we will send them out.  I suspect we should have them in the mail just after Christmas as Christmas Eve is my last day of quarantine.  

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and prayers. I’m just glad I managed to avoid the seemingly inevitable until it was this current strain. 

Merry Christmas


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