Tuxedo a Go Go

Multi-tasking is not a strong suit of mine. I prescribe to the thought that task switching is highly inefficient. I should only focus on three or four things at a time rather than the two dozen near emergencies constantly drilling into my consciousness. But as a result, I often forget all about something important. I’ve “re-remembered” to look for a tux three times in the last five months.

The first time it was July. We didn’t even have a date yet, but we knew what we wanted. The Vera Wang Blue Tux from Jos. A Bank. We used it to help set our colors. But then I took about 8 weeks to proposition the groomsmen and by the time I had a lot of other plans had been locked in and it turned out that my blushing bride to be is not a fan of the black lapels. Back to the drawing board.

The second time I remembered was after mass while we were killing time for marriage prep to begin. I stopped by the store w/ Lisa and we took a look at more options. The incompetence of the salesperson astounded me. He wasn’t rude, or unknowledgeable. He just did not want us to spend money with him. It was crazy. I have a hard time even understanding what was so off about the interaction.

[Editor's note: my girlfriend has denied every example/scenario I've proposed to illustrate what a terrible salesperson we had. You’ll have to simply trust that it was sufficiently awkward]

That would give you some sense of the awkwardness we experienced trying to give a salesmen thousands of dollars of business.

The third time was this morning. I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed after a week of airports and hotels. Luckily, I had lamented to a co-worker about our frustration trying to find the same color we originally planned for without black lapels. Black lapels are a deal-breaker.

Apparently colors are extremely important at my girlfriend's wedding. Thou shall not have unapproved colors on the wedding party. I fear what color my hair might be by the end of the bachelor party.

My co-worker understood. He also happened to have just returned exactly what I was looking for after a family wedding the previous weekend and had sent me a link.

So, My Girlfriend's Wedding now has tuxedos.

Lisa was willing to approve the selection over breakfast and I am happy to announce we have an appointment t to close the deal on Monday. Bring on the details, I can handle them…eventually.


How Suite it Is


“I have mustard in my teeth.”